Our Partnerships
We thank you for your support and commitment to
The Hardy Center!
ARBY’S Corporation - provided a day of unique educational experiences for our children, donated $5,000 to our efforts
ASPLUNDH - provides mulching
materials for our gardening projects
Bank of America Home Loans
BANK of AMERICA Home Loans - provided computers and monitors for our
Childrens Hunger Alliance
CHILDREN’S HUNGER Alliance - provides invaluable logistical and advisory assistance for all of our feeding programs
Columbus City Schools
COLUMBUS CITY Schools - provides food for our summer program
Columbus Foundation
COLUMBUS Foundation - provided grant opportunities for our gardening project
Data Resolutions
DATA Resolutions - contributed IT expertise, IT equipment, SONIC Wall System subscription, connection with their customers, who in turn donated over 300 computers, monitors, copiers & teaching materials as well as monetary support
DSW - provided an opportunity to educate our teenagers about business and future career avenues
Evans Automotive
EVANS Automotive - maintains our fleet of vehicles and fabricated volleyball nets and tetherball poles for our playground.
Franklin Park Conservatory
FRANKLIN PARK Conservatory - has provided compost grant opportunities and expertise, which has made our gardening projects possible
The Harry C. Moores Foundation
The Harry C Moores Foundation - provides funds for both our after school program and our summer program
Germain of Columbus
GERMAIN of Columbus - donated hundreds of computers & monitors
Germain Motor Co
GERMAIN Motor Co - donated hundreds of computers & monitors
KaBOOM - contributed the complete installation of a playground for our children
KROGER - provided baked goods daily for our children and their families
Livingston Seed Company
LIVINGSTON SEED Company - donated all the seeds for our gardening project
LOWE’S - provided materials in support of our gardening and Industrial Arts programs
Vantage Aging
Vantage Aging - has been tremendously helpful in providing retired citizen’s to work with our children’s programs.
Mid-Ohio Food Bank
MID-OHIO FOOD Bank - has helped provide meals for our after-school program and Saturday morning programs
Ohio Association of
Second Harvest Food Banks
Ohio Association of Second Harvest Food Bank’s - has provided summer VISTA volunteers
Ohio Support Services
OHIO SUPPORT Services - contributes very generous financial support
Reynoldsburg Schools
REYNOLDSBURG Schools - for many years provided food for our summer program
State Farm
STATE FARM Insurance - donated computers and monitors for our data center
United Way
United Way - provides funds for both our after school program and our summer program
Our Individual Partners
•Jerry Saul - provides IT services and computer education
•Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Williams - provided appliances for our families in need and generous financial contributions
•Monica Lowe - Contributed generous financial “seed” support.
•Cathy Tucker - provided generous financial support which aided in the start-up of our Uni-cycling program
HONDA - Provides funds for our after
school program